my name is christine marqette, and i'm a registeredand licensed dietitian with the austin regional clinic and i'm going to talk to you aboutwhat does vitamin b complex accomplish. vitamin b complex is actually a combination of allof the different b vitamins from b1 all the way to b12. now, these b vitamins have severaldifferent roles that they play in your body. a lot of them actually function in our metabolicpathways and they actually act as catalysts to make sure that our metabolism is functioningproperly. some of them also are involved in our overall cell health. for example, if somebodywho is an alcoholic doesn't actually take supplemental b vitamins, they can actuallysuffer from an illness called berry berry. it's an actual deficiency where they may havesome swelling of their skin and swelling in
their joints. sometimes a decrease, or a lackof b vitamins may actually play a role in our body's ability to use vitamin c as welland can't exacerbate problems such as scurvy. so you want to make sure that you are gettingplenty of b vitamins because again they do play a role in a variety of different conditions.another b vitamin that is very important is foliate, and this has a very big role in prenataldevelopment. so, for women who are pregnant or who are thinking about getting pregnant,it is very important that they take a prenatal vitamin that contains foliate. this will helpprevent neural tube defects in their infants. so b vitamin complex has a lot of differentthings that it accomplishes in our body. again it is necessary for our overall is also necessary for our overall cell
health and in infants preventing things suchas neural tube defects.
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